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Jenny Namuwonge Kyeyune
Teacher and Head of Art Department Professional Artist
What was your first experiences in using computers:
The first time i came into contact with the computer was whem a certain company called CompuSmart was going around Schools training various Teachers. It was doing this with the hope that through them Students will be encouraged to use computers.

This was not an effective move because first of, the teaching was not proper as the teachers who taught us were not Professional Teachers and the methods they were using were not okey. They kind of assumed that since we were matures we grasp very first and, the Teachers were found of embarrassing people (students). Most of the students taught that time did not get almost any thing.

Secondly, we were not free to use the computers at School freely.So, one was not in position of practicing what was taught. In the end we, were as though we had never learnt or worst still even never seen a computer. One needs to use a computer quite frequently.
How does using computers make your work easier?
I can have my documents written at any time that I want them done and quite well without suffering with the Secreteries doing it for at thier convenience. The work is done in the way that I sually most want it to be done.

My documents are now quite more pritevate. I no longer cross with people because they have not done my work in time. My working relationship has been made better for that matter. I am effective now with my duties.