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Rosemary Khitieyi Imonje
Lecturer in Kenya Technical Teacher Training College
What was your first experiences in using computers:
The first time l came into contact with computers was in my current station – where l was transferred in 2020 May. That is when l saw a computer for the first time, in the Computer Studies Department. This was not my department hence the issue of computers did not bother me at all, at that time. I had a very low opinion and attitude towards computer literacy. My reasoning was that computer knowledge was meant for those who wanted to do it as a subject, or for a career; but not for me. In the year 2020, my husband (who is studying in USA) sent me a laptop. I did not even know how to open it. I had to take to the computer technician, in the computer department, who showed me how to open it and even operate it. But because the inset mouse was very sensitive with a mere touch, l was afraid and fearful that l will destroy it and hence l kept it in the cupboard in my bedroom- surely ignorance is a disease.

Then on a second thought, l felt funny keeping a computer in the cupboard, so l decided to enrol for a course in word processing in one of the computer lessons among our students in the computer department for three weeks. l had two hours of computer lesson on basic skills on word processing each day in the evening, after my daily duties, which gave me the interest, motivation and confidence of working on a computer. After the three weeks, l went and removed my laptop from the cupboard and started practising on basic computer skills (word processing) every evening. That is how I first came into contact with a computer.
How does using computers make your work easier?
  • Computers are quick and faster enough to enable me do my things within time set or even earlier than expected.
  • It has got tools such as formatting, inserting, editing etc which enables me to do my writing more efficiently and effectively, without errors and mistakes.
  • Through Power point presentations, students are able to learn effectively without getting tired and are able to get the correct spellings of key words, and even copy all points without any problems.
  • Computers have great memory which enables me to save my work for easier retrieval when I need it and for future reference.

Please lend me your ear, eye and mind

It was one shiny afternoon when I walked in the Computer Department to talk to the HOD about my case. Do not be shocked. It was not a court case. It was a computer case. The case is that it is a crime for any woman of my cadre and calibre to be computer illiterate. Can you imagine all the certificates I have none of them has a grade on computer? To me it was ridiculous. At my age! and with the 21st century ICT technological development, I needed to do something. I had actually come to self – realization. I needed to sort out this case, with or without the witnesses. So I talked to the head of computer and told him to fix me in any class where computer basic skills were being taught. I was put in a class of the students that I teach Curriculum and instruction. This did not matter to me. What I needed were the computer skills. I was in the class for two weeks. Then I noticed that the students learnt faster than me. But this did not discourage me. My case was being sorted out. Learning computer was interesting. I developed the desire and the interest. That was in the year 2020.Then in the year 2020 I was appointed the deputy project coordinator for the college Learning Resource Centre- a project that is managed by the Flemish Technical assistance and cooperation- form Belgium. Waauu! This was a place full of computers- 50 of them. In front of me there was a Computer. Heey! This is the time that I can practice the little skills I had learnt in the computer department. With the help of Mr. Cornnille and Mrs. Janssens- my colleagues in the office, I have learnt word processing skills, Excel, internet search, integrating my notes in teaching through power point etc. Iam happy because I have become computer literate. My case has been sorted out. I work on computer all the time when I want to do it. I do my research, downloading and uploading.

I there urge all women who are still illiterate to come to self- realization and take their cases to the computer court to be sorted out. It is a high time when every woman any where in the world needs to come out of the computer primitivity and ignorance and literally search for computer skills where they can be found. Women need ICT skills to enable them to fight for the empowerment in the technical skills. Hey women! wake and let us gather and acquire all these computer skills. Let me tell you ! We will be able to send emails to our friends in Schoolnet Africa and other places around the world. Join me in this ICT Era.