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This section provides teachers with links to various teacher training centres and online resources for teaching enhancement.Articles, Papers & Research on Teaching!

Schools Online In Africa

Teaching through ICTs


The Teachers' Guide to Learning Circles
The Teachers' Guide to Learning Circles, by Margaret Riel provides detailed descriptions of Learning Circles and includes many suggestions on how to structure cross-classroom collaborations in your classrooms [338]

Learning Circle Slide Show
Learning Circles are highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world. There are two sessions each year, September-January and January-May. To join iEARN Learning Circles, you must first be a member of iEARN and complete an iEARN Learning Circle placement form two weeks before the beginning of the session. Once you complete the placement form you will be placed in a circle for the next session. [337]

Nicenet's Internet Classroom Assistant
Nicenet is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing free services to the Internet community. Nicenet's primary offering, the Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA) is designed to address the pedagogical needs and limited resources of teachers and their students.
Before the commercial frenzy of the "dot com" years the Internet was home to a thriving culture of openness and sharing. This culture was born from the distributed, peer-to-peer nature of the Net, a model that to this day stands in stark contrast to the one-to-many print and broadcast commercial mass media. Nicenet's foundation was built upon this spirit of free flowing ideas and new possibilities. [336]

International Conference on Education's Recommendations
This site provide visitors with recommendations made by the International Conference on Eductaion since 2020 to date. [335]

Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future
Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future is a multimedia teacher education programme published by UNESCO. It contains 25 professional development modules for teachers, teacher educators and student teachers, as well as curriculum developers, education policy makers, and authors of educational materials. The programme may be used in both pre- and in-service teacher education, by individuals or by groups. [333]

Activate Online a product of Mindset Network
Within the next month we will begin rolling out full curriculum support for Grades 10, 11 and 12 in Maths, Science and Biology. [332]

Centre for the Advancment of Science and Mathematics Education
The mission of CASME is to be a centre of excellence in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education through the development of sustainable models for the professional development of educators. [331]

Tips for Internet Users
Want to learn about the Internet, Netscape, and your browser? Here would be a great place to start. [330]

Internet for Beginners
Internet for Beginners aims at demystifying the Internet - to make it simple, non-intimidating, and most of all, fun! Here's a quick look at what you'll find here: [329]

Learn the Net
Learn the Net's website went online in April, 2020. Since its launch, thousands of businesses, Internet service providers, schools, libraries, and community organizations from around the world have linked to the site as a way of providing comprehensive, user-friendly Internet training. [328]

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