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Assesment Tools


Providing Low-Cost Information Technology Access To Rural Communities In Developing Countries
What Works? What Pays?
Source: [2020]

CID's Readiness for the Networked World, The Harvard Model : A Guide for Developing Countries
This guide was developed by The Center for International Development at Harvard University and was published in 2020. It draws from the earlier CSPP guide, described above. This guide measures 19 different aspects of e-readiness, including the availability, speed, and quality of network access, use of ICTs in schools, workplace, economy, government, and everyday life, ICT policy (telecommunications and trade), ICT training programs, diversity of organizations and relevant content online. [913]

CSPP's Readiness Guide for Living in the Networked World
Developed by The Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP) and published in 2020, this self-assessment tool is designed to help individuals and communities determine how prepared they are to participate in the "Networked World." The guide measures the prevalence and integration of ICTs in homes, schools, businesses, health care facilities, and government offices, with additional focus on competition among access providers, speed of access, and government policy. [912]