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Tell us About your SchoolNet

1. In which African country are you based? *

2. In what year did your school networking organisation start? *

3. From where do you get funding to run your organisation? More than one option can be chosen. *
Your government
Local business
International business
International Donor Agencies
The schools you work with
Generated through services provided
Other, please specify:  

4. How is your schoolnet organization structured? More than one option can be chosen. *
Based in Ministry of Education or Telecommunications
Independent NGO
Part of an international program
In-house project at a university
Ad-hoc or informal structure
Other, please specify:  

5. What activities is your schoolnet organisation engaged in? More than one option can be chosen. *
Computer distribution and connectivity
Technical skills training
Technical support
Teacher training in the educational use of computers
Supporting policy on ICTs in education
Developing school curricula using ICTs
Supporting learners use of ICTs
Supporting teacher collaboration
Supporting learner collaboration
Advocacy work to promote ICTs in education
Website and applications hosting
Other, please specify:  

6. How many schools are members of your organisation? *

7. How many teachers have been trained by, or with the support of, your schoolnet organisation? *

8. On average, how many computers do your member schools have? *

9. On average, how many computers in your member schools have Internet connections? *

10. What challenges or difficulties, if any, are you currently experiencing in your SchoolNet? More than one option can be chosen. *
Technological acquisition and support
Infrastructural difficulties
Establishing partnerships with schools and/or government
Administration, management and organisational support
Logistics in providing training
Securing sustainable funding
Other, please specify:  

11. What kinds of support could SchoolNet Africa provide to strengthen your schoolnet organisation? More than one option can be chosen. *
Human resource support
Fund-raising support
Governance and management
Collaborative projects for learners
Other, please specify: